Vruchtgroenten bestaan eigenlijk niet. Volgens de plantalogie groeit fruit aan bomen, meerjarige struiken of eenjarigeplanten. Groente is een eetbare plant of een deel ervan. Dat houdt in dat een aubergine of courgette fruitsoorten zijn. Ze zijn namelijk vruchten van eenjarige plant. Culinair klopt dit weer niet. Fruit eet je vaak rauw en groenten moet je bereiden. Een kok ziet een aubergine dus als groente. Daarom is in de jaren '70 de term vruchtgroenten ontstaan. Tomaten zijn ook vruchtgroenten. Maar omdat wij zoveel soorten tomaten verkopen, hebben we die in een aparte categorie tomaten geplaatst.
lees meer
// Then, we'll animate the thumbnail to the cart. This will take ~700ms.
}, 10);
// When the thumbnail is animating, we'll also start the process to hide the thumbnail again.
// This will take 700 ms as well, so we'll start this animation after ~500ms already, so that
// it is roughly ready when the thumbnail is in the cart again.
setTimeout(() => {
$el.style.opacity = '0';
$el.style.zIndex = '-10'; // unsetten zIndex is benodigd omdat anders onderdelen niet aanklikbaar zijn op de pagina
// After the complete process is finished and the thumbnail is invisible again, we'll reset
// the animation again.
isAnimating = false;
}, 712);
" x-init="$animateReset()" x-animate="{
top: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().top + 20) + 'px',
left: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().left + 20) + 'px',
width: '20px',
height: '20px',
opacity: '1.0'
}" x-animate.reset="{
top: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().top - 200) + 'px',
left: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().left + 100) + 'px',
width: '200px',
height: '200px',
opacity: '0.0',
// Then, we'll animate the thumbnail to the cart. This will take ~700ms.
}, 10);
// When the thumbnail is animating, we'll also start the process to hide the thumbnail again.
// This will take 700 ms as well, so we'll start this animation after ~500ms already, so that
// it is roughly ready when the thumbnail is in the cart again.
setTimeout(() => {
$el.style.opacity = '0';
$el.style.zIndex = '-10'; // unsetten zIndex is benodigd omdat anders onderdelen niet aanklikbaar zijn op de pagina
// After the complete process is finished and the thumbnail is invisible again, we'll reset
// the animation again.
isAnimating = false;
}, 712);
" x-init="$animateReset()" x-animate="{
top: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().top + 20) + 'px',
left: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().left + 20) + 'px',
width: '20px',
height: '20px',
opacity: '1.0'
}" x-animate.reset="{
top: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().top - 200) + 'px',
left: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().left + 100) + 'px',
width: '200px',
height: '200px',
opacity: '0.0',
// Then, we'll animate the thumbnail to the cart. This will take ~700ms.
}, 10);
// When the thumbnail is animating, we'll also start the process to hide the thumbnail again.
// This will take 700 ms as well, so we'll start this animation after ~500ms already, so that
// it is roughly ready when the thumbnail is in the cart again.
setTimeout(() => {
$el.style.opacity = '0';
$el.style.zIndex = '-10'; // unsetten zIndex is benodigd omdat anders onderdelen niet aanklikbaar zijn op de pagina
// After the complete process is finished and the thumbnail is invisible again, we'll reset
// the animation again.
isAnimating = false;
}, 712);
" x-init="$animateReset()" x-animate="{
top: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().top + 20) + 'px',
left: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().left + 20) + 'px',
width: '20px',
height: '20px',
opacity: '1.0'
}" x-animate.reset="{
top: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().top - 200) + 'px',
left: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().left + 100) + 'px',
width: '200px',
height: '200px',
opacity: '0.0',
// Then, we'll animate the thumbnail to the cart. This will take ~700ms.
}, 10);
// When the thumbnail is animating, we'll also start the process to hide the thumbnail again.
// This will take 700 ms as well, so we'll start this animation after ~500ms already, so that
// it is roughly ready when the thumbnail is in the cart again.
setTimeout(() => {
$el.style.opacity = '0';
$el.style.zIndex = '-10'; // unsetten zIndex is benodigd omdat anders onderdelen niet aanklikbaar zijn op de pagina
// After the complete process is finished and the thumbnail is invisible again, we'll reset
// the animation again.
isAnimating = false;
}, 712);
" x-init="$animateReset()" x-animate="{
top: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().top + 20) + 'px',
left: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().left + 20) + 'px',
width: '20px',
height: '20px',
opacity: '1.0'
}" x-animate.reset="{
top: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().top - 200) + 'px',
left: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().left + 100) + 'px',
width: '200px',
height: '200px',
opacity: '0.0',
// Then, we'll animate the thumbnail to the cart. This will take ~700ms.
}, 10);
// When the thumbnail is animating, we'll also start the process to hide the thumbnail again.
// This will take 700 ms as well, so we'll start this animation after ~500ms already, so that
// it is roughly ready when the thumbnail is in the cart again.
setTimeout(() => {
$el.style.opacity = '0';
$el.style.zIndex = '-10'; // unsetten zIndex is benodigd omdat anders onderdelen niet aanklikbaar zijn op de pagina
// After the complete process is finished and the thumbnail is invisible again, we'll reset
// the animation again.
isAnimating = false;
}, 712);
" x-init="$animateReset()" x-animate="{
top: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().top + 20) + 'px',
left: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().left + 20) + 'px',
width: '20px',
height: '20px',
opacity: '1.0'
}" x-animate.reset="{
top: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().top - 200) + 'px',
left: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().left + 100) + 'px',
width: '200px',
height: '200px',
opacity: '0.0',
// Then, we'll animate the thumbnail to the cart. This will take ~700ms.
}, 10);
// When the thumbnail is animating, we'll also start the process to hide the thumbnail again.
// This will take 700 ms as well, so we'll start this animation after ~500ms already, so that
// it is roughly ready when the thumbnail is in the cart again.
setTimeout(() => {
$el.style.opacity = '0';
$el.style.zIndex = '-10'; // unsetten zIndex is benodigd omdat anders onderdelen niet aanklikbaar zijn op de pagina
// After the complete process is finished and the thumbnail is invisible again, we'll reset
// the animation again.
isAnimating = false;
}, 712);
" x-init="$animateReset()" x-animate="{
top: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().top + 20) + 'px',
left: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().left + 20) + 'px',
width: '20px',
height: '20px',
opacity: '1.0'
}" x-animate.reset="{
top: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().top - 200) + 'px',
left: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().left + 100) + 'px',
width: '200px',
height: '200px',
opacity: '0.0',
// Then, we'll animate the thumbnail to the cart. This will take ~700ms.
}, 10);
// When the thumbnail is animating, we'll also start the process to hide the thumbnail again.
// This will take 700 ms as well, so we'll start this animation after ~500ms already, so that
// it is roughly ready when the thumbnail is in the cart again.
setTimeout(() => {
$el.style.opacity = '0';
$el.style.zIndex = '-10'; // unsetten zIndex is benodigd omdat anders onderdelen niet aanklikbaar zijn op de pagina
// After the complete process is finished and the thumbnail is invisible again, we'll reset
// the animation again.
isAnimating = false;
}, 712);
" x-init="$animateReset()" x-animate="{
top: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().top + 20) + 'px',
left: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().left + 20) + 'px',
width: '20px',
height: '20px',
opacity: '1.0'
}" x-animate.reset="{
top: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().top - 200) + 'px',
left: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().left + 100) + 'px',
width: '200px',
height: '200px',
opacity: '0.0',
// Then, we'll animate the thumbnail to the cart. This will take ~700ms.
}, 10);
// When the thumbnail is animating, we'll also start the process to hide the thumbnail again.
// This will take 700 ms as well, so we'll start this animation after ~500ms already, so that
// it is roughly ready when the thumbnail is in the cart again.
setTimeout(() => {
$el.style.opacity = '0';
$el.style.zIndex = '-10'; // unsetten zIndex is benodigd omdat anders onderdelen niet aanklikbaar zijn op de pagina
// After the complete process is finished and the thumbnail is invisible again, we'll reset
// the animation again.
isAnimating = false;
}, 712);
" x-init="$animateReset()" x-animate="{
top: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().top + 20) + 'px',
left: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().left + 20) + 'px',
width: '20px',
height: '20px',
opacity: '1.0'
}" x-animate.reset="{
top: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().top - 200) + 'px',
left: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().left + 100) + 'px',
width: '200px',
height: '200px',
opacity: '0.0',
// Then, we'll animate the thumbnail to the cart. This will take ~700ms.
}, 10);
// When the thumbnail is animating, we'll also start the process to hide the thumbnail again.
// This will take 700 ms as well, so we'll start this animation after ~500ms already, so that
// it is roughly ready when the thumbnail is in the cart again.
setTimeout(() => {
$el.style.opacity = '0';
$el.style.zIndex = '-10'; // unsetten zIndex is benodigd omdat anders onderdelen niet aanklikbaar zijn op de pagina
// After the complete process is finished and the thumbnail is invisible again, we'll reset
// the animation again.
isAnimating = false;
}, 712);
" x-init="$animateReset()" x-animate="{
top: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().top + 20) + 'px',
left: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().left + 20) + 'px',
width: '20px',
height: '20px',
opacity: '1.0'
}" x-animate.reset="{
top: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().top - 200) + 'px',
left: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().left + 100) + 'px',
width: '200px',
height: '200px',
opacity: '0.0',
// Then, we'll animate the thumbnail to the cart. This will take ~700ms.
}, 10);
// When the thumbnail is animating, we'll also start the process to hide the thumbnail again.
// This will take 700 ms as well, so we'll start this animation after ~500ms already, so that
// it is roughly ready when the thumbnail is in the cart again.
setTimeout(() => {
$el.style.opacity = '0';
$el.style.zIndex = '-10'; // unsetten zIndex is benodigd omdat anders onderdelen niet aanklikbaar zijn op de pagina
// After the complete process is finished and the thumbnail is invisible again, we'll reset
// the animation again.
isAnimating = false;
}, 712);
" x-init="$animateReset()" x-animate="{
top: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().top + 20) + 'px',
left: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().left + 20) + 'px',
width: '20px',
height: '20px',
opacity: '1.0'
}" x-animate.reset="{
top: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().top - 200) + 'px',
left: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().left + 100) + 'px',
width: '200px',
height: '200px',
opacity: '0.0',
// Then, we'll animate the thumbnail to the cart. This will take ~700ms.
}, 10);
// When the thumbnail is animating, we'll also start the process to hide the thumbnail again.
// This will take 700 ms as well, so we'll start this animation after ~500ms already, so that
// it is roughly ready when the thumbnail is in the cart again.
setTimeout(() => {
$el.style.opacity = '0';
$el.style.zIndex = '-10'; // unsetten zIndex is benodigd omdat anders onderdelen niet aanklikbaar zijn op de pagina
// After the complete process is finished and the thumbnail is invisible again, we'll reset
// the animation again.
isAnimating = false;
}, 712);
" x-init="$animateReset()" x-animate="{
top: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().top + 20) + 'px',
left: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().left + 20) + 'px',
width: '20px',
height: '20px',
opacity: '1.0'
}" x-animate.reset="{
top: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().top - 200) + 'px',
left: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().left + 100) + 'px',
width: '200px',
height: '200px',
opacity: '0.0',
// Then, we'll animate the thumbnail to the cart. This will take ~700ms.
}, 10);
// When the thumbnail is animating, we'll also start the process to hide the thumbnail again.
// This will take 700 ms as well, so we'll start this animation after ~500ms already, so that
// it is roughly ready when the thumbnail is in the cart again.
setTimeout(() => {
$el.style.opacity = '0';
$el.style.zIndex = '-10'; // unsetten zIndex is benodigd omdat anders onderdelen niet aanklikbaar zijn op de pagina
// After the complete process is finished and the thumbnail is invisible again, we'll reset
// the animation again.
isAnimating = false;
}, 712);
" x-init="$animateReset()" x-animate="{
top: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().top + 20) + 'px',
left: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().left + 20) + 'px',
width: '20px',
height: '20px',
opacity: '1.0'
}" x-animate.reset="{
top: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().top - 200) + 'px',
left: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().left + 100) + 'px',
width: '200px',
height: '200px',
opacity: '0.0',
// Then, we'll animate the thumbnail to the cart. This will take ~700ms.
}, 10);
// When the thumbnail is animating, we'll also start the process to hide the thumbnail again.
// This will take 700 ms as well, so we'll start this animation after ~500ms already, so that
// it is roughly ready when the thumbnail is in the cart again.
setTimeout(() => {
$el.style.opacity = '0';
$el.style.zIndex = '-10'; // unsetten zIndex is benodigd omdat anders onderdelen niet aanklikbaar zijn op de pagina
// After the complete process is finished and the thumbnail is invisible again, we'll reset
// the animation again.
isAnimating = false;
}, 712);
" x-init="$animateReset()" x-animate="{
top: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().top + 20) + 'px',
left: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().left + 20) + 'px',
width: '20px',
height: '20px',
opacity: '1.0'
}" x-animate.reset="{
top: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().top - 200) + 'px',
left: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().left + 100) + 'px',
width: '200px',
height: '200px',
opacity: '0.0',
// Then, we'll animate the thumbnail to the cart. This will take ~700ms.
}, 10);
// When the thumbnail is animating, we'll also start the process to hide the thumbnail again.
// This will take 700 ms as well, so we'll start this animation after ~500ms already, so that
// it is roughly ready when the thumbnail is in the cart again.
setTimeout(() => {
$el.style.opacity = '0';
$el.style.zIndex = '-10'; // unsetten zIndex is benodigd omdat anders onderdelen niet aanklikbaar zijn op de pagina
// After the complete process is finished and the thumbnail is invisible again, we'll reset
// the animation again.
isAnimating = false;
}, 712);
" x-init="$animateReset()" x-animate="{
top: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().top + 20) + 'px',
left: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().left + 20) + 'px',
width: '20px',
height: '20px',
opacity: '1.0'
}" x-animate.reset="{
top: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().top - 200) + 'px',
left: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().left + 100) + 'px',
width: '200px',
height: '200px',
opacity: '0.0',
Wij sturen je een berichtje als dit product weer leverbaar is.
Wat is je e-mailadres?
// Then, we'll animate the thumbnail to the cart. This will take ~700ms.
}, 10);
// When the thumbnail is animating, we'll also start the process to hide the thumbnail again.
// This will take 700 ms as well, so we'll start this animation after ~500ms already, so that
// it is roughly ready when the thumbnail is in the cart again.
setTimeout(() => {
$el.style.opacity = '0';
$el.style.zIndex = '-10'; // unsetten zIndex is benodigd omdat anders onderdelen niet aanklikbaar zijn op de pagina
// After the complete process is finished and the thumbnail is invisible again, we'll reset
// the animation again.
isAnimating = false;
}, 712);
" x-init="$animateReset()" x-animate="{
top: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().top + 20) + 'px',
left: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().left + 20) + 'px',
width: '20px',
height: '20px',
opacity: '1.0'
}" x-animate.reset="{
top: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().top - 200) + 'px',
left: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().left + 100) + 'px',
width: '200px',
height: '200px',
opacity: '0.0',
Wij sturen je een berichtje als dit product weer leverbaar is.
Wat is je e-mailadres?
// Then, we'll animate the thumbnail to the cart. This will take ~700ms.
}, 10);
// When the thumbnail is animating, we'll also start the process to hide the thumbnail again.
// This will take 700 ms as well, so we'll start this animation after ~500ms already, so that
// it is roughly ready when the thumbnail is in the cart again.
setTimeout(() => {
$el.style.opacity = '0';
$el.style.zIndex = '-10'; // unsetten zIndex is benodigd omdat anders onderdelen niet aanklikbaar zijn op de pagina
// After the complete process is finished and the thumbnail is invisible again, we'll reset
// the animation again.
isAnimating = false;
}, 712);
" x-init="$animateReset()" x-animate="{
top: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().top + 20) + 'px',
left: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().left + 20) + 'px',
width: '20px',
height: '20px',
opacity: '1.0'
}" x-animate.reset="{
top: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().top - 200) + 'px',
left: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().left + 100) + 'px',
width: '200px',
height: '200px',
opacity: '0.0',
Wij sturen je een berichtje als dit product weer leverbaar is.
Wat is je e-mailadres?
// Then, we'll animate the thumbnail to the cart. This will take ~700ms.
}, 10);
// When the thumbnail is animating, we'll also start the process to hide the thumbnail again.
// This will take 700 ms as well, so we'll start this animation after ~500ms already, so that
// it is roughly ready when the thumbnail is in the cart again.
setTimeout(() => {
$el.style.opacity = '0';
$el.style.zIndex = '-10'; // unsetten zIndex is benodigd omdat anders onderdelen niet aanklikbaar zijn op de pagina
// After the complete process is finished and the thumbnail is invisible again, we'll reset
// the animation again.
isAnimating = false;
}, 712);
" x-init="$animateReset()" x-animate="{
top: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().top + 20) + 'px',
left: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().left + 20) + 'px',
width: '20px',
height: '20px',
opacity: '1.0'
}" x-animate.reset="{
top: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().top - 200) + 'px',
left: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().left + 100) + 'px',
width: '200px',
height: '200px',
opacity: '0.0',
Wij sturen je een berichtje als dit product weer leverbaar is.
Wat is je e-mailadres?
// Then, we'll animate the thumbnail to the cart. This will take ~700ms.
}, 10);
// When the thumbnail is animating, we'll also start the process to hide the thumbnail again.
// This will take 700 ms as well, so we'll start this animation after ~500ms already, so that
// it is roughly ready when the thumbnail is in the cart again.
setTimeout(() => {
$el.style.opacity = '0';
$el.style.zIndex = '-10'; // unsetten zIndex is benodigd omdat anders onderdelen niet aanklikbaar zijn op de pagina
// After the complete process is finished and the thumbnail is invisible again, we'll reset
// the animation again.
isAnimating = false;
}, 712);
" x-init="$animateReset()" x-animate="{
top: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().top + 20) + 'px',
left: (document.querySelector('.cart-icon').getBoundingClientRect().left + 20) + 'px',
width: '20px',
height: '20px',
opacity: '1.0'
}" x-animate.reset="{
top: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().top - 200) + 'px',
left: ($refs.reference.getBoundingClientRect().left + 100) + 'px',
width: '200px',
height: '200px',
opacity: '0.0',